I just watched a bizarre film called "Never Let Me Go". In it, British kids are raised as organ donors and they eventually "accept their fate" and die on the operating table. Apparently there are debates going on in England about the ethics of selling organs on the open market....
Is there anyone in this liberal nightmare willing to fight for their lives? No wonder they've joined up with the death cultists known as Muslims.
Islam Forbids Western Values
4 hours ago
This film is real?
It's some bizarre fantasy of a mind that is engrossed in hopelessness. This mind cannot imagine courageous acts by people.
The negation of God always leads to the negation of mankind. Of all the religions that the atheists complain about for their "compulsory conversions" atheism is the most bloodthirsty of them all. And without even the comfort of a greater purpose for suffering. Just fatalism. Feh!
I will say, the Brits that I speak with daily are pretty conservative. However, the people who control the media and government over there, the chattering classes as it were, live in a self-hating, alternative Bolshevik universe. To put it another way, the left in the UK has fully bought into the Marxist paradigm, whereby white Europeans make up the penultimate evil of history.
On the other hand, the rank and file of the UK would fit in with middle America. The gulf between the rank and file and the chattering classes is exponentially larger in the UK than even the gulf between left and right on this side of the pond. They are long overdue for a revolution.
I just had a friend over: someone I have a great amount of respect for, and incidentaly the topic of election came up. She was so surprised that I am considering voting for Romney. It was bizarre. She cited some stories that she read about Romney in the New York Times. She asked where I get my information from, so I mentioned Wall Street Journal because I figured it was somewhat mainstream. That answer seemed acceptable. There is an information bubble that has not been breached. The folks who read what we read, agree with us. The folks who read NYT, disagree. Very few people actually think for themselves and form their own opinions.
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